This XXX Live Letter presented the content of 3.3 which had not been revealed during the previous broadcast.
First of all, the date! Revenge of the Horde update will go live on June 7, it will therefore be necessary to wait a little bit in order to venture into the rest of the epic.
You will measure yourself again against Nidhogg, in Normal and Extreme mode. This challenge titled The Final Steps Of Faith will get weapons.
We move on to another content, The Aquapolis, this famous dungeon whose entrance will open with a Dragon skin map. When the portal to get there appears, you will have 10 minutes to enter. It will also be necessary to have nothing more in loot.

Aquapolis will be difficult to complete alone or in pairs, it is preferable to go in a group of three or four. Your gear will be synced to the ilvl180 and you should have an hour to complete your exploration.
The first room will always be the same, as will the starting location. It contains a chest and several doors. As you approach the chest, enemies will enter from the doors and attack you. You will have to kill them all before you can open the chest. Yoshida received materia, crystals and other items in his.

After completing the first room, you will need to choose which door to open to continue. Be careful to choose well! You may choose the wrong one and not be able to move forward.
The next room is similar to the first one: a treasure in the middle and monsters that come when you approach it. The deeper you get into Aquapolis, the better the loot. The farthest piece is number 7, which can drop loot that contains Grade V materials.
There will also be rooms with goblins with gils. If you manage to kill them before they run away, you'll get their gil back! The number of gil depends on the part number. The further it is, the more gil there will be.
Most of the loot can be sold in the market, even pets. In the second room, Yoshida obtains more materia. He explains that it is possible to get a rare chest that spawns a Cyclops boss.
Finally, if you choose the wrong door at the end of a room, you will be thrown from Aquapolis.
Change of subject: Yoshida shows that the mount Fenrir can now fly!
It then goes to Raid Tool : it will allow you to find players in order to attack only the latest Sadist raids. Options will allow you to define on which phase of the fight the group will train, if the players must have already completed it, if they want to try to progress, etc. You will also be able to choose if players haven't completed it this week, if those who have already can help. This Tool will make it possible to search for members in the worlds of the same data center.

By choosing to train, you can define on which phase: the first, the second or the last. Of course, these phases remain indicative, there is no question of starting the fight from said phase.

You will be able to launch the Raid Tool with an incomplete group, as long as it meets the classic Raid group composition scheme: 2 tanks, 2 healers, 1 ranged damage job, 1 magic, 1 to the body -to-body and the last of your choice.
Statics will now need to use the Raid Tool to enter dungeons for their weekly run. If the developers see that the wait in the Tool is too long, then they will possibly allow the fact of having 2 tanks or 2 healers with the same job.
After PvE, a bit of PvP !
The new card, The Fields of Glory (icebreaker), is presented through a video. This map is located in the Coerthas. Three areas can be captured when entering, you can claim enemy strongholds while remaining in the circle symbolizing them, destroy objects to earn points ... These objects are also pillars of ice. Points are determined according to the damage done by the teams. Ice Pillars do not respawn when destroyed.
The adrenaline gauge will also be restored to its version available on Frontline.

And after PvE and PvP ... A little rest in the residential areas ?
What could be better than pampering your flowers in new pots? The basic principle is the same as gardening: seeds, and soil! These flower pots are intended for the cultivation of ... Flowers and are mainly aesthetic. They can be used in Mirage in your silky hair. New flowers will be added as updates occur.

Place to disciples of the Hand and the Earth. As expected, some brand new and beautiful gear will be coming with Update 3.3. It will have slots for materia and will have better stats than the one currently obtained with red assignats.
The equipment can be used by all disciplines of the Hand.
The materia will be easier to obtain (manufacture, harvest), those of grade 5 will be more useful and the epic will offer a few.
Adjustments will be made for the exchange of blue and red assignats. Items required for reds will have more Gathering Points. We will also get more red assignats in exchange for these items.
Yoshida then presents equipment having for theme the tribes of beastmen as well as that of the City of Mhach.

Then comes the information about user interface.

First of all the functionality: recommended equipment, remember that it will equip the parts with the best ilvl you have.
Then the ATH backup : we can save 4 different ATHs, and it will be very easy to change them quickly: text command, macro, etc. Ideal for changing jobs and ATH at the same time.
La version PS4 has a new graphics option with DX11 compatibility.
La search functionality of the sales table will allow you to use the partial matching method, that is to say to find objects whose characteristics are identical to the one sought.
There will be new icons to indicate Mentor status and chosen specialty: Mentor, Combat, Harvesting and Crafting, PvP.
You will have the possibility to save your PvP points. Rather than having to reassign them each time, 5 profiles can be saved.
Many healers were asking for power reshuffle group list. This will be possible during the update.
The Camera Slideshow can be used in combat, the demand was high! Yoshida asks you not to use it when you dungeon through the Mission Tool.
Group pose: it will be available for friends, free company, the Eternal Binding Ceremony, the camera can be zoomed out.
Automatic translation will be enriched with new terms related to the Raid Tool. It will be about strategy vocabulary.
Finally, Yoshida addresses l'Arme Anima. You will be able to increase the stats of your weapon by collecting catalysts. You will get 3 points per item, 4 or 5 if you are lucky. There are several ways to get these items, even more than for step 200 -> 210. It will take two items to get a catalyst.
When you have completed this step, your weapon will have a new appearance! Its characteristics will be similar to weapons set with three materia.
The crystals will see their drop increase, but the stage 200 -> 210 will not be facilitated.
Yoshida welcomes the special guest of this 30th LL: it is about Natsuko Ishikawa, main screenwriter. She worked on:
- Main Scenario 2.0
- Main Scenario 3.0
- Series - Le Labyrinthe de Bahamut
- Series - Tour de Crystal
- Surineur quests
- Dark Knight Quests
- Alchemist Quests (up to level 50)
- Side Quests - Matoya's Cave
She works with Oda who is in charge of the main script. She did not participate in 3.3, written by Oda. This update will bring the end of the Dragon Song War. Natsuko hopes Estinien will get out of it!
She explains that creating a story for FFXIV is a delicate process. Meetings must be held in order to share ideas, discuss with other teams, develop around the content, remain consistent.
Yoshida tests the game when the story and its content are available and then gives her opinion. He sometimes asks for the addition of cutscenes. As listed above, she worked on the history of the Dark Knight. Its guideline was for the player to sacrifice himself for his companions. It was an important task, this job is cult for the FF saga.
We learn that Black Tol Scaeva will undoubtedly be back.
The most difficult story for Natsuko to write was that of Bahamut Maze. She hadn't worked on 1.0 so she wondered if it was legitimate to write this script. It was also complicated to bring life to Alisaie. Finally Yoshida was very strict about this story!
She would like to work on the characters of the Surineurs guild, and on side quests like those of Matoya. There was Buscarron who was worried about Laurentis, it's a lead for her to dig.
She would like to write a beautiful love story, but it's not something you often see in FFXIV. Yoshida gives a "one day, maybe". Players were asking for a story between Livia and Gaius.
Another flagship “couple”: Aymeric and Lucia. In 3.2, a certain conversation between them caused a stir. For the screenwriter, Lucia certainly has feelings towards Aymeric, but the latter does not see it.
Natsuko is then asked if she has something to tell Yoshi, a story about him to tell? She replies that the producer-director asked her to participate in the show without explaining to her what she should do!
The music is a source of inspiration, besides a title of Soken which has not yet been used had given him ideas for the story.
She goes on to explain that while the cutscenes team is handling scenes like Bahamut Floor 4, they are also implementing Natsuko's requests and considering suggestions as well. On the other hand, the Eternal Wind scene at the Crystal Tower was a surprise!
She was involved in Haurchefant's story at the 2.55 level when he encouraged the remaining troops.
She wants players to enjoy the story and not skip it in order to jump straight to the content. She then tries to make it digestible, both in terms of comprehension and duration. It is a real challenge for her, because as she wanted to write more, she identified points that had remained simple and identified those that could be deepened.
The problem with story development in an MMO is that you are not the only one playing and that fact cannot be ignored. She had to learn to incorporate this fact into her work.
La Warrior Triad will confront us with the Empire of Garlemald, Regula Van Hydrus will challenge us! We won't need a team to progress through this questline.
Les nouvelles tribal quests among the Mogs will be dedicated to crafting as for Ixal quests. You can get experience if you are not yet 60. At level 60 you can have V materia.
As usual, the LL ends with different announcements:
New concept art will be available in stores 7-11 in Japan
New items will be on sale like mini cuddly toys.
A new seasonal event is planned for the May 27: Le Gold Saucer Festival.
On the 28th and 29th a Role Play Convention will take place in Cologne, Germany.
FFXIV Channel will be live in Japan on May 29.
Playback of the patch note is scheduled for the 6 June. The maintenance will be long: 24 p.m., because there is server-level work.
The FFXIV free trial will allow you to reach level 35, so the player can unlock jobs.
The next LL will take place at L'E3.
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