The expansion is yet to be released as players are already wondering about future updates to the game! Blizzard has provided some answers, short summary:
- The developers are considering the arrival of guild strongholds. This is a request from the players and it is something that the studio thinks they can integrate into the game. No precise plan yet at this level, the team does not know whether to "be satisfied" with including elements guilds in player strongholds or try a more advanced approach.
- The triple specialization is a request that comes up quite often among players. Blizzard doesn't like this idea. A character having the possibility of playing the 3 specials becomes a Swiss Army knife and loses his identity. He would become a common player who plays a class, and not a guardian / fierce druid for example.
- No Flaming Cat Form intended as a glyph. It is a special form which must keep its "special / unique" role.
- Some talents are not very popular. Rather than nerfing the most used talents, Blizzard seeks to improve the "weak" talents so that players find it interesting.
- Many players complain that they don't have class mounts or special abilities to move around. Blizzard says that giving class mounts to all game classes is not a good thing since it would break the identity of the classes. The mage has portals, the demo a fiery mount, that's normal, it's a trait of the class. Giving a warrior a class mount wouldn't make much sense.
- Sargeras is powerful. Blizzard doesn't want players to forget this and wants us to be wary of this character!
- We might hear about some dragons in the future, be careful.
- Gallywix, the merchant prince, could return soon.
- Fahralon Island has disappeared from radar. This absence was noticed by some players. Basically planned for WoD, we are now sure that it is not ready to be released. We can send one of our servants there, but no more for the moment. The team would really like to add this area, but don't know when they can focus on adding it, if it will be during the expansion or later ...
- The bug of the beard that disappears when you equip yourself with a helmet will be fixed.
- Criticized in its announcement, the pet battle system is ultimately a great success of Mists of Pandaria that players really appreciate. New pets will appear with Warlords of Draenor, along with new abilities, dedicated items, and new fights against pet trainers. However, the maximum level will not be increased for the moment.
- As can be seen in the documentary "Looking for Group", the developers really liked Ahn'Qiraj, which pushed the players to unite to accomplish a common goal. It was a very interesting challenge for them, it was very educational and they would really like to do something like that again in the future.
- If a new Legendary item were to arrive with WoD, developers will need to consider the repercussion it might have in Arenas.
- The Eye of Sulfuras will not be linked to the account.
- If you want to transmogrify your items to look like those of WoD clans, you'll have to go through the Garrison.
- Some players would like to see the Worgen story in depth, this has not been the case with MoP, and Blizzard admits that they have not really focused on this point with Warlords of Draenor, although some ideas are there and remain for the future. moment on hold.
- RP players should enjoy Warlords of Draenor. The quests and the continent provide a satisfying experience for players who are adept at roleplaying.
- Two daily quests will have to be done in the fiefdom! Many storylines will also be available. Blizzard insists that garrison is something very important to the WoD experience.
- Epic quality gear can be obtained in our garrison. But for that, it will be necessary to have advanced well by having equipped and made evolve / move your servants! Some players will be able to obtain pieces of equipment only through this system, if for example they do not have time to go on raids every week, the garrison could be an interesting alternative to obtain loot.
- The button to summon one of our favorite mounts is something players love, but some would like a second button to appear to differentiate between land and air mounts. Blizzard may add this in a future update.
- The firm is carefully studying the feedback on the new spell animations. Currently, no changes are planned since the studio and the players do not yet have the necessary perspective. But there might be some changes based on community feedback.
- Adjustments will be made to new skills and talents if Blizzard deems it necessary.
- The overhaul of the transmogrification system is still under study at Blizzard.
- The storage of sets of equipment is also envisaged.
- Many players would like to see the interface improved / modified in a deeper way than the evolutions offered by Blizzard. The team understands this need and is looking for a way that works for everyone. On the other hand, it is impossible to modify the basic interface which appeals to most players. Several solutions are under study.
- Blizzard does not intend to abandon guild achievements. They are always looking for a way to add more, but it has to be interesting and fun to do.