First things first: Blizzard offers an overview video of the map, which is shown below:
The map in detail
The Spider Queen's Tomb is a 3-lane map, where the main objective is to gift the Spider Queen gems. Indeed, it does not support the presence of metal spiders and asks you to collect the power gems that fall from them. You must then bring them back to one of the two nests located between the lanes. They are represented in orange on the map. Once the offering of a sufficient number of gems, the Starweaves, powerful servants of the Spider Queen, will descend along the lanes and destroy everything in their path!
Collecting gems
The Spider Queen is greedy, and will always ask for more gems from you, starting with 50 small blue stones. The cost of bringing in new Starcloth will increase by 5 gems per offering. Each minion wave contains 3 metal spiders, which will give you 1 power gem each, the other way to get gems is to kill heroes. Each hero killed will give you 3 gems.
We therefore recap the three crucial stages of the Tomb of the Spider Queen:
- Collect gems. Spider minions and opposing heroes drop gems when they die. Collect as many as possible.
- Bring back the gems. Return your gems to one of the Spider Queen's altars, or you'll lose them all if you die!
- Summon the Starcloths. The team that brings in enough gems first will benefit from the support of the Starcloth to destroy the opposing defenses.
The arrival of the Star Tissues can allow you to bring a good dose of pressure if you play properly around this new mechanic. Here are some tips in more detail:
- Two layouts are potentially playable on this map.
- The first, classic, is the "1-1-3 push". The idea is to position 3 people in a botlane and push as quickly as possible in order to have enormous pressure on this half of the map, to control the siege camp at the bottom of the map as well as to have easy access to your camp. hitters.
- The second is generally seen as a team, at a fairly high level. This is the "1-3-1 roam" where initially you work the opposing team on the midlane and then send two players to perform ganks on the top and bot lanes. Harder to set up because more dependent on your composition and your coordination, it can really pay off!
- Whatever your team layout, you're going to need someone strong on the toplane. Zagara, for example, is an excellent laner.
- Unlike Blackheart Bay, you stuff gems, you don't try to get them stealthily from camps or whatever.
- In general, your death results in the loss of your gems; more than half the time they are not picked up. Do not hesitate to put your gems regularly so as not to lose them stupidly.
- Starweaves grow in strength over time, not in proportion to the number of times you've summoned them.
- Try to prevent your opponent from picking up gems by aggressively placing yourself on the lane.
Timers & infos
There is no specific timer for the Tomb of the Spider Queen, however here is a reminder of those of the different mercenary camps on the map:
- All camps appear at 2:00 minutes.
- Headquarters Camp: 3 minutes.
- Brugger Camp: 4 minutes.
- Boss : 5 minutes.
The key heroes
Some heroes, by their kit and gameplay, are better on certain maps. Here are the strong ones at the Tomb of the Spider Queen:

- ETC : Good zone controls, tight lanes in all directions that allow him to put August (R) devastating ... Top in the cow! (Again and again...)
- Jaina : A scandalous burst in narrow areas, a Ring of Frost (R) devastating or a elementary able to zone a lot, as she says: "I am here to help you!" (Again !)
- Tassadar : An incredibly boring laner for your opponents, a good pusher, it will make an excellent toplaner.
- Uther : Very strong care, very good controls, he can really make the difference in long fights ...
- Zagara : As said above, an excellent toplaner, controlling his opponent very well by dominating him completely.
- Zeratul : Able to quickly assassinate an isolated target if he goes on a self-attack build, he can put Void Prison (R) giving his team a huge advantage.
Example of game pro
You now know the Tomb of the Spider Queen better than Neithis herself! Set a death trap for your opponents and feast on the latest map from Blizzard Studios!
Perfect Nazka See you soon for new articles and guides on Heroes of the Storm, in the meantime, Nova kisses you!