New section with this article which aims to show you some rather funny oddities that I could meet on the game.
You are here in the 4th dimension of The Old Republic. You will be able to find there texture bugs, graphic quirks or even rather particular moments and really twisted quests but also sometimes tender moments. In this dimension where "everything is permitted, nothing is true", I will share with you screen impressions or even videos of a particular nature and which make each of the playful video experiences in The Old Republic unique experiences.
I invite you to participate in future articles by sharing with us your screen impressions, videos or handwritten stories that you could classify as playful video oddities.
A Tauntaun familiar is in play: You have 15 days to send me your discoveries, the most original will be rewarded. To help you, you can of course take inspiration from the few examples in this article.
Today I offer you a maximum of cases ranging from a very silly but quite funny graphic bug to a quest where you really have to put your own money into it ...
When a witch inquisitor carries a double lightsaber
Normally, a Witch Inquisitor like my little twi'lek can only carry a simple lightsaber. However, during quests done on Belsavis, I walked around for a few moments, which I immortalized, with a double lightsaber.
I was with my companion Xalek who really wears him a double lightsaber at the time. I was also grouped with passing allies. Xalek momentarily disappeared (but I still saw him in my interface but no longer by my side) and I found myself in possession of his lightsaber: a kind of fusion (yuck)!
A Bantha alive but still dead
You may have seen this animal with a weird name on Tatooïne:
For once, just after that moment, I decided to make his name better match his situation.
You can play chess in Alderande ...
A game board would hide under the grass of Alderaan, I'm still looking for the giants who squat ...
or is it just a texture problem ^^
I was telling myself that Bioware was going to put us on a search quest ...
Blizzard has got into the habit, with each of its extensions of World Of Warcraft (and sometimes even several times by extension), of making us search in the excrement of various and varied animals or sometimes of making us visit magnificent toilets. public intentionally or not.
Before discovering this quest with my bounty hunter (which I had to zap with Aayla by only doing Taris's class quests), I thought Bioware hadn't taken up the concept. Failed and well missed, because in this formidable quest we are given the opportunity to search rakghoul excrement. Personally, given the diet of the Rakghouls, I clearly preferred to dig into Talbuk's poo ...
and now it's your turn ...