Meany read our post on the noodle stand and sent me a recap of everything you need to make 5x "Treasures of Pandaria" noodle stand kit (+300 stats).
Must therefore :
- 5x Chops with black pepper and prawns
- 5x Chun Tian Spring Rolls
- 5x Mogu Fish Stew
- 5x Steamed Crab Surprise
- 5x Rice noodles with sea mist
- 5x Mad Brewer's Lunch
And here are all the details for each type of resource.
Black Pepper and Shrimp Chops
- 1x Black pepper: sold by Nam Patte de Fer (1 paw)
- 5x Giant Mantis Shrimp: to fish (anywhere in Pandaria) or to buy in Nam Iron Paw (1 mark)
- 5x Mushan Ribs: to be collected from mushans in Pandaria or to be purchased from Nam Iron Paw (1 mark)
- 25 Green Cabbage: to collect in the field or to buy at Nam Patte de Fer (1 mark)
Chun Tian Spring Rolls
- 1x Rice flour: sold by Nam Iron Paw (1 paw)
- 5x Red-bellied Mandarin: to fish (Vale of Eternal Spring or Townlong Steppes) or to buy at Nam Iron Paw (1 mark)
- 5x Raw Tiger Steak: Collect from Pandaria Tigers or buy Nam Iron Paw (1 mark)
- 25x Leek with red flower: to collect in the field or to buy at Nam Iron Paw (1 mark)
Mogu fish stew
- 1x Black pepper: sold by Nam Patte de Fer (1 paw)
- 5 Emperor salmon: to fish mainly in the Valley of the Four Winds or to buy at Nam Patte de Fer (1 mark)
- 5x Raw Crocolisk Belly: Collect from Pandaria Crocodiles or buy from Nam Ironpaw (1 mark)
- 25x Mogu Pumpkin: to collect in the field or to buy at Nam Ironpaw (1 mark)
Steamed crab surprise
- 1x Rice flour: sold by Nam Iron Paw (1 paw)
- 5x Jewel Danio: to fish in the lakes of Timeless Island or to buy in Nam Patte de Fer (1 mark)
- 5x Raw Crab Meat: Collect from Pandaria crabs or buy from Nam Ironpaw (1 mark)
- 25x White turnip: to collect in the field or to buy at Nam Patte de Fer (1 mark)
Sea Mist Rice Noodles
- 1x Rice flour: sold by Nam Iron Paw (1 paw)
- 5x tiger gourami: to fish (Kun Lai Summit, Jade Forest, the Secret Staircase) or to buy at Nam Ironpaw (1 mark)
- 5x Raw Turtle Meat: Collect from Pandaria turtles or buy from Nam Ironpaw (1 mark)
- 25x Shallots: to collect in the field or to buy at Nam Iron Paw (1 mark)
Mad Brewer's Lunch
- 1x Black pepper: sold by Nam Patte de Fer (1 brand)
- 50x Pink Turnip: to collect in the field or to buy at Nam Patte de Fer (2 marks)
The bags that Nam sells contain 5 units (meat or fish) or 25 units (vegetables) and cost 1 Mark of Ironpaw each. All condiments (pepper, flour ...) cost 1 mark. If you want to buy everything directly, it will cost you 23 Ironpaw Marks.
Like Meany, don't hesitate to share your tips with other players!